




Empowering the homeless, hungry, and hovering since 2013

Headquartered in Philadelphia, PA, More Than A Handout (MTH), Inc. was established to be a one-stop pioneer for the poor by assisting the 3-H groups (Homeless, Hungry, and Hovering (Working Poor) with gap-filling expanded basic needs services. The expanded basic needs services are being accomplished by partnerships, programs and projects which provides the 3-H groups with education,encouragement, and essentials to rebuild lives.

Get in touch with us to set up a partnership with our organization or to become a volunteer, use the contact form at the bottom of this page to find out about our services.

Please Help Us Change The Crooked Path of Poverty


Providing individuals information on local, state, and national life-changing resources.   Our mission is to empower the homeless, hungry, and hovering (working poor) to become self-sustaining and more productive residents in their communities-at-large. Annually we produce our community resource directory and share the community resources publication with local households of faith, our Kindness Partners, and police precincts. Our annual directory and monthly newsletter can be requested on our knowledge page.

neighborhood TABLING EVENTs**

Since 2017, we have shared community resources at neighborhood tabling events. At these tabling events we have been able to connect individuals with non-profit neighborhood and city-wide organizations that provide free local and national basic needs services that are available to impoverished individuals and/or families throughout Philadelphia.

kindness korners outreaches**

In 2019, we began providing local and national resource information plus expanded daily needs packages on neighborhood corners throughout Philadelphia.

Project H.O.P.E. (Helping Overlooked People to Excel)

Since 2013, More Than A Handout (MTH), a Pennsylvania 501(c)(3) Non-Profit has focused on the H.O.P.E. (Helping Overlooked People to Excel) Project. The locations for donation distributions or drop-offs will be shared on Facebook, Twitter, e-mail or text. We also welcome your monetary donations and will provide a tax receipt.   We provide advocacy, resource information, toiletries, nonperishable items, and transportation assistance (by referral).

Local project H.O.P.E. Events**

In Winter of 2016, we gave out hats, gloves, blankets, socks, non-perishable snacks and water to those in need.  In Winter of 2018, we donated toiletries and bookbags to Project Home’s Homeless P.I.T. Event. Check our Events Page for upcoming activities.

project H.O.P.E. Donation drives

Donation drives are now virtual due to Pandemic. They need for expansive toiletries and non-perishable items for the hungry, homeless and hovering (working poor) has increased since 2020. Please go to our Donations page for the many ways to give.


Bookbags for THE Homeless**

Filling weather resistant book-bags with toiletries, socks and winter necessities and dispersing to the homeless in the local area.  The goal is to provide safe, convenient and versatile backpacks uniquely designed to meet the needs of the homeless. Items provided are from Project H.O.P.E. donations.

Kindness Kits 4 kids (KK4K)*

We provide educational, non-perishable snacks and toiletry items that meet the daily needs of school-age children and youth. We partner with local shelters, organizations and schools to share KK4K. The items given are from our Donations.

*Started in 2021

Kindness Partnership project

We share informational resources and toiletries with local partners who are helping impoverished and marginalized communities.

Virtual workshops

We offer free virtual empowerment workshops to encourage others on how to “Dream Big, Start Small and Act Now”. Apply on Events page.


We are looking to advance our mission and enhance our local impact by forming strategic partnerships to help give our targeted community access to tools, resources, and services that they need.  By teaming up with other like minded organizations we are looking to expand the services we can provide to as many people who need them.

There’s a big difference between a handout and a helping hand. One’s charity, the other’s friendship.
— Little Joe Cartwright in Bonanza - Rain from Heaven


Connect With Us.

Use the form below to contact us regarding our organization or basic needs. Please be as detailed as possible. Include your name along with any specific requests or questions.